Fall 2019, The Citadel
Syllabus Schedule Homework videos Exams
Sybil Nelson
Thompson Hall 311
Office Hours: MWF 11am-12pm
or by appointment. Email me at sprincen@citadel.edu
Study Hall office
hours: Thursday 1:30-2:30 in Grimsley 114
Office Phone: 843-953-6983
Calculus & Its applications Goldstein, Lay, Schneider and Asmar Fourteenth Edition 2018 ISBN 9780134437774
TI-83, TI-84, or TI-89
Class Schedule
Monday-Wednesday- Friday, 9-9:50 a.m., Thompson Hall 315
Student Expectations
• Cell phones must be kept in book bags and on silent during class.
• Attend every class and be an active participant (i.e. not asleep)
• Read the textbook and take good notes in class. (These notes will be graded)
• Keep a neat and well-organized 3-ring binder, with sections for each of the following: class notes and handouts, homework, quizzes and exams.
• Study your class notes and the text before beginning your homework.
• Do all the assigned homework problems after each class.
• Come to the following class with any questions from your reading or homework.
• See the professor (or Math Lab) as soon as you do not understand a concept for extra help.
You may by surprised at how much time and effort it takes to be successful in a college Calculus course. I estimate that you will need to read, study and work problems for at least 2 hours per night. You must attempt and subsequently master all homework in order to be successful in this course. Homework will be assigned daily and will be due before the next class. Homework will be completed using MyMathLab or on paper. To register for MyMathLab, visit http://www.mymathlab.com. Click here for section 1 and here for section 2 registration instructions
Written Homework: There will be six written
homework assignments due as follows. Please scan or photograph your homework
and email them by midnight of the due date
Chapter 0 HW Due Sept. 5th 2019
Chapter 1 HW Due Sept. 22nd 2019
Chapter 2 HW Due Oct. 15th 2019
Chapter 3 HW Due Nov. 7th 2019
Chapter 4 HW Due Nov. 21st 2019
Chapter 5 HW Due Dec. 10th 2019
Quizzes: There will be daily quizzes based on the reading from the night before
If you are unable to attend a test because of an emergency, you must notify the instructor to make arrangements to take the test. You have 3 days to make up a test or you will receive a grade of zero for that test.
Participation and Notes
Participation and notes will be
graded based on daily Clicker assessments. Be sure to download the app and be
ready to answer questions at the start of class.
Final Exam
There will be a cumulative final exam given at the end of the course. Failure to take the final exam will result in failure of the course. Final exam schedules for Fall 2018 are posted on the Registrar’s web page.
Tests: 50%
Quizzes: 15%
and Participation: 10%
· Final Exam: 25%
Grading Scale
A |
B |
C |
D |
F |
90%-100%, |
80%-89% |
70%-79% |
60%-69% |
0%-59% |
Grading Policies
1. Homework will be assigned every class period and will be due the following class.
2. Late homework will not be accepted except in extreme circumstances.
3. Sharing calculators during graded assignments is not permitted.
4. A total of nine absences will result in a course grade of F. In addition, if you are late by 15 minutes or more, you will be considered absent.
5. Incomplete grades are given only in unusual circumstances. Consult the college catalog for policy on incomplete work.
6. Make-ups: You will only be eligible for a make-up test or quiz if you have an excused absence. The make-up work should be done within 24 hours of the actual test or quiz. E-mail me at sprincen@citadel.edu if you will miss a test and schedule your make-up for the next day. Guard duty is not an acceptable excuse for missing a test/quiz.
Students with Disabilities
If you need accommodations because of a disability, I must have your accommodation letter at least 24 hours before the intended test. Please see Dr. Jane Warner in Thompson 103 to request accommodations
Math Lab
Math tutoring is offered for FREE during the following hours:
Monday – Thursday: 1pm-4pm
Sunday-Thursday: 7pm-10pm
You are required to go to Math Lab 6 times during the semester for a grade. I recommend you go for help with your written homework. Your Math Lab attendance will be counted toward your homework and participation grade.